Welcome back to the place where we come together as God’s children to honour and adore our Papa in heaven, Daddy God who loves us unconditionally. As an earthly father I love when my children come together in my house, so how much more does our heavenly Father delight in us coming into his presence as his family, to worship at his feet as we are surrounded by his glory.
We gather as a church, as the children of God, as his body here on earth, to meet with him, to worship and to hear what he has to say through the prophetic gifts and through the preaching of His Word. We also know that individually we can come to him at any time to worship him, to pray, to give him glory and to hear from him. We would be foolish to just wait for this time on Sunday to meet with our heavenly Father.
To those who have received him, to those who have believed in his name, God lives in our hearts by His Spirit in the hearts, so one could say that we are never away from his presence. However, there is a different between being in someone’s presence and being present with them. For example, I can be sitting at the table with my wife having a cup of tea, so I am in her presence, but if I’m doing something on my phone, she knows that even though I’m in her presence, I’m not really present with her. She can say something, and I can answer her, but my mind is not focused on what she is saying.
Likewise, God lives in us by his Spirit, so we are always in his presence, but he knows when we are present with him and when we are not. Therefore, it’s so important to do what’s called practicing the presence of God. To practice the presence of God is to make a practice of being present with him, giving Him a time when He has our full attention, focusing our thoughts on him. In this day and age of so many distractions we can live our lives going from one form of entertainment to another, and never getting time to be fully present with God. This can happen individually, but it can also happen corporately when gather to worship. We can sing the songs, raise our hands, close our eyes, but our minds can be a million miles away from God and His presence.
Today as we read from a very popular Psalm, we will see the benefit of being present with God, both on our own, and with others. Let’s take it one piece at a time.
Psa 91:1 ESV He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will abide in the shadow of the Almighty.
The one who dwells in the shelter of the Most High God. The word dwell in the context of the verse means to sit down, to be quiet. The one who sits quietly in God’s shelter will abide in the shadow of the Almighty. The word for shelter means a hiding place, or a secret place. The words abide and dwell are similar, however abide means more than sitting quietly, it has the meaning to stay permanently. This gives the verse the following meaning. The person who sits quietly with God in his secret hiding place, will stay permanently in the shadow of the Almighty. To be in someone’s shadow means to be right there beside them. When you are in the shadow of the Almighty this has the meaning of protection, and of defence from all enemy attacks.
This is the promise for the one who will make a practice of being present, waiting patiently in God’s presence. Does this mean that if you don’t make a practice of sitting quietly in His presence, He will not protect you? No, but you won’t have the faith to believe God can protect you unless you put time into your relationship with Him.
The Psalmist declares that when he is in God’s presence he will speak to
God, and this is what he will say.
Psa 91:2-8 ESV I will say to the LORD, “My refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust.”
Not only does he have the faith to say this, but he encourages others to have faith as well.
Psa 91: 3-7 For he will deliver you from the snare of the fowler and from the deadly pestilence. (4) He will cover you with his pinions, and under his wings you will find refuge; his faithfulness is a shield and buckler. (5) You will not fear the terror of the night, nor the arrow that flies by day, (6) nor the pestilence that stalks in darkness, nor the destruction that wastes at noonday. (7) A thousand may fall at your side, ten thousand at your right hand, but it will not come near you. (8) You will only look with your eyes and see the recompense of the wicked.
Such promises. God will deliver us from the snare of the fowler and from the deadly pestilence. In the past eighteen months he has delivered us from the pestilence of Covid-19, and we thank him for it. He has delivered us from many dangers and many trials. Not only that, but the promise is that the Most High God will cover you with his pinions, or his feathers, and under his wings you will find refuge. Have you ever seen a mother hen gather her chickens under her wings? She wraps her wings around them, and you wouldn’t even know they were there. I’m sure they feel cosy and warm and secure under her wings.
Something else he promises too – you will have no fear of the terror of the night nor the arrow that flies by day. There are many who are afraid of sleeping at night. Some fear that they will be burgled or killed in their sleep, others fear evil spirits and demons, many fear they will not wake up, and still others are prone to the most dreadful nightmares. The Psalmist promises that there is no need to fear any of those terrors. In the words of one of the songs we sing, “no power of hell, no scheme of man can ever pluck me from his hand, till he returns or calls me home, here in the power of Christ I’ll stand.”
The one who goes to sleep at night, acknowledging the presence of the Most High God, has no need to fear once he believes that God watches over his body and soul as he sleeps. Once you prayerfully place yourself and your family in the care and protection of God, you have no reason to be anxiously careful of these things, or to be motivated by fear of what might happen in the night.
Psa 3:5 ESV I lay down and slept; I woke again, for the LORD sustained me.
On a side note; If you are prone to nightmares, examine what you are feeding you soul during the day. If you are in the habit of watching scary or explicitly violent movies, then don’t be surprised if your sleep is disturbed. If you are feeding constantly on the media and the news, especially in today’s world, don’t be surprised if you live in fear of the deadly pestilence that stalks in darkness. The one thing that will protect you from the fear of Covid-19 is to switch off the news, for this is the real virus.
Psa 91:9-12 ESV Because you have made the LORD your dwelling place— the Most High, who is my refuge— (10) no evil shall be allowed to befall you, no plague come near your tent. (11) For he will command his angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways. (12) On their hands they will bear you up, lest you strike your foot against a stone.
The Psalmist assures that because you have found the place of shelter in the Lord, because you have made him, you’re hiding place, the promise is that no evil will be allowed to befall you, and no plague come near your tent, including Covid-19. God Himself commands his angels to be concerned for you, to be a guard for you in all your ways. In Hebrews chapter ten, the following is written of the angels.
Heb 1:14 ESV Are they not all ministering spirits sent out to serve for the sake of those who are to inherit salvation?
You are to inherit salvation so therefore the angels are all ministering spirits sent by God to serve for you sake, and in verse twelve of Psalm ninety one it says –
Psalm 91:12 On their hands they will bear you up, lest you strike your foot against a stone.
Imagine that, when you make the Lord your hiding place, when you make a practice of being present with him in the secret place, as he causes you to stay permanently in the shadow of His wings, even the angels are watching your feet, watching your footsteps, watching where you walk. All promised to the one who
Psa 91:1 ESV … dwells in the shelter of the Most High …
But there’s more;
Psa 91:13 ESV You will tread on the lion and the adder; the young lion and the serpent you will trample underfoot.
While this promise was to the Jews in the wilderness, it is for us today as well. For the Jews it was literal in the sense that where they went there were all those deadly creatures, but God promised to keep them safe. Even in the New Testament when a serpent attached itself to Paul’s hand and bit him, he should have died, but he just shook it off and threw it in the fire.
This may also be understood figuratively of Satan, who because of his cruelty and ferocity is compared to a lion, and for his craftiness and subtlety to a serpent.
1Pe 5:8 ESV Be sober-minded; be watchful. Your adversary the devil prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour.
This dragon, that old serpent, called the devil and Satan, Christ trampled under his feet when he hung on the cross. He spoiled him and his principalities and powers, he totally disarmed them and made an open show of them. It won’t be long until Satan will be bruised forever under the feet of God’s people, as he has been already by Jesus, the seed of the woman as promised by God in Genesis 3:15.
In the meantime, God has promised us power to trample on all the power of Satan. After he sent his disciples out to preach the gospel of the kingdom and to set free all who had been under the power of Satan, they came back rejoicing, saying,
Luk 10:17 ESV … “Lord, even the demons are subject to us in your name!”
This was Jesus’ response -
Luk 10:18-20 ESV And he said to them, “I saw Satan fall like lightning from heaven. (19) Behold, I have given you authority to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy, and nothing shall hurt you. (20) Nevertheless, do not rejoice in this, that the spirits are subject to you, but rejoice that your names are written in heaven.”
Jesus reminded them that he had given them His authority to stamp on all the power of Satan and that nothing would hurt them. However, as much as they were rejoicing in the fact that spirits were under their command, Jesus told them not to, but rather to rejoice that their names were written in heaven.
This authority over all the power of the devil is for all the disciples of Jesus, and will be, up until the end of the age. This is a fact, but we are not to rejoice in this fact, instead we rejoice in the fact that our names are written in God’s book in heaven, for when that book is opened on judgment day and our name is found there, no record of our wrongs will be made available for anyone to see.
Finally, we come to the last three verses of Psalm 91. Of the one who makes a practice of sitting quietly with God in his presence, being kept permanently in God’s shadow, the Psalmist says.
Psa 91:14-16 ESV “Because he holds fast to me in love, I will deliver him; I will protect him, because he knows my name. (15) When he calls to me, I will answer him; I will be with him in trouble; I will rescue him and honor him.
Its only possible to fast to God in love because of the love of God poured into us in the first place. Because of the gift of God’s love in us we have the power to respond in love, but we also have the choice to reject this love. When we respond in love for God, the Lord promises to deliver us from harm, because we know our God by name. because we have this one-to-one relationship with him, he promises to answer when we call on him, he promises to be with us in trouble, to rescue us and to honour us.
Psa 91:16) With long life I will satisfy him and show him my salvation.”
This is truly amazing – God promises to satisfy us with long life. We hear of so many dying young today, and this can cause us to fear we too will die young. We don’t have an answer for the reason that saints of God die young, but this we know, whether people die young or not, God’s word is still true, and his word tells us that when our time comes to leave this world, we will have been satisfied with the length of our days. When I read this passage, I’m always reminded of our dear departed friend Bobby. He was just over eighty and when he got the news that he was sick, it seemed that he was satisfied with the length of his days. He totally accepted it and would speak of death in it matter-of-fact way, “Its nothing but a transition from here to there.” He never wavered in his faith or in his confidence in God. He knew his God, and he knew his God was watching over him. this is true faith, and the faith of one who sat quietly with God. Today he rests fully in the shadow of the Almighty. Now he is completely at rest in God’s presence waiting for the day when we will join him, and what a day that will be.
As well as satisfying us with length of day, God promises to show us his saving power throughout our lives on earth, and finally in our transition from here to eternity.
What can we take from this Psalm? Make a practice of sitting quietly in the presence of the Most High and you will find that you can rest in the shadow of the Almighty. Th Lord is your refuge, your strength. You will find faith to believe that he will answer you when you call on Him. You will have no need to fear, day or night. You will even have faith to believe that you can stamp you foot in the name of Jesus, and even the demons will be jump in fear at the sound of your voice. But rejoice not in this but rejoice that your name is written in God’s book.
God’s might angels are watching over you as you go out and come in. Because you hold tight to him in love, God promises to deliver you from trouble, to protect you, to answer you when you call. Finally, he promises to satisfy you with the length of your life and show you his saving power every day.
Those are God’s promises to the one who will make a practice of being present with God in his secret hiding place, waiting patiently in God’s presence.