Earlier this week myself and our son Aaron were in Dublin for appointments and during a break we went on a tour of Kilmainham Gaol. This jail is famous for holding many, and executing some, of those men and women who fought for Irish independence. From the 1798 rebellion, to the 1916 Easter Rising, the Anglo-Irish War in 1919-1921 to the devastation of the Irish Civil War 1922-1923.
We got to walk the tunnels full of cells now lying empty, but for years were filled to over-crowding, especially during the Irish famine where a jail sentence meant being fed - while being “free” meant death by starvation.
So many lives, so many stories. Stories of love, injustice, tragedy, devastating poverty. Lives of men, women and children kept in freezing cold cells, open to the elements - but facing this fate seemed to be a lifeline to survival. Serving sentences for offences such as stealing bread or a potato with their youngest prisoner being just 3 years of age, held along side hardened criminals who’s crimes were much greater and their motives and characters much more sinister. Some sentencing led to death by hanging … young, bound and many suffering for hours as they died in a torturous fashion – some innocent of their crimes, many truths untold, many failings unheard …
Others serving time for fighting a cause bigger than their own, rebelling and rising against the injustices that their fellow country folk faced day in and day out. They may have been kept in better conditions, with a cell to themselves, but their fate still ended their lives - lives that had just begun, young men taken at the hands of another.
The world is full of untruths, of stories unheard, injustices being allowed, lives in pain and torment. Disease and rumour eat away at our minds and bodies. There seems to be little relief … even if our basic needs are met … every life has hardships in the here and now … as we navigate the brokenness and sorrow of a world yet perfected for all of time.
One thing all of humanity longs for is freedom … in all of its ways … but just like those who were starving and chose jail for relief - we look for freedom in all the ways WE can only to find ourselves more and more bound. To find freedom we must look outside of ourselves.
In Psalm 63:1-4 King David finds himself out in the arid dry heat of the desert and sings …
“You, God, are my God, earnestly I seek you; I thirst for you, my whole being longs for you, in a dry and parched land where there is no water. I have seen you in the sanctuary and beheld your power and your glory. Because your love is better than life, my lips will glorify you. I will praise you as long as I live, and in your name I will lift up my hands.”
Psalms 63:1-4 NIV
Like the picture of jail, we can often feel like we are in a desert … we are thirsty and long for the refreshment of pure water, in a land dry and parched. Dry of truth, of health, of substance. We seek relief in other ways as we drink from all the many wells. Few seek the Water of Life from the only well we can drink from that brings freedom and true satisfaction. God describes Himself in Jeremiah 2:13 as a “fountain of Living Waters”.
The average human can physically live around 3-4 days only without water, our bodies depend on being hydrated to stay alive. So when Jesus describes in John 4:13-14 the difference between drinking water from the well in the dry lands of Samaria and drinking the water only He provides we can see a clear picture of why He uses this analogy.
He says “Everyone who drinks of this water will be thirsty again, but whoever drinks of the water that I will give him will never be thirsty again. The water that I will give him will become in him a spring of water welling up to eternal life.” A spring that never dries, a continual stream of living water within us … bringing hydration to our dry bones, life to our souls, purpose and power in us and through us that over flows to those around us. A river of joy that supersedes our griefs and sorrow, it runs continually along side all our other emotions and thoughts and circumstances … accessible for us to drink from always if and when we choose. Jesus is our one and only source of life and freedom. The only breaker of chains. As David says “because your love (God’s Love) is better than life”.
A strong statement do we think? Better than life? Didn’t God give us life? Yes. God’s Love is greater than all loves, greater than our every breath, greater than life itself. Why? Because God IS love so anything outside of that is not pure, it’s been distorted in some way, and as much as we want to believe other ways can bring us to the same outcome, to freedom, to life giving water … they can’t. In John 10 Jesus speaks of being the Good Shepherd who lays his life down for his sheep. He speaks of the thief here in verse 10 … “The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have life and HAVE IT ABUNDANTLY”. Jesus gave His life so all who come to Him don’t just have life eternally but life abundantly starting right from that moment! The thief comes in all shapes and sizes to make us believe anything else is the right way, that any other falsehood is the truth, that any other person can fulfil us, any other desire is everlasting and fully satisfying … all of which are lies. The thief comes ONLY to steal and kill and destroy.
This is why getting to know God is the only thing that’s not only eternally worthwhile, but worthwhile in our living and breathing right here, right now. It’s our freedom and sustenance. Truth can seem so stark in comparison to all we have been told, fed and bound by - it can seem so foreign to us we can even become offended by it. We wrestle with it. We reject it for what seems an easier way but as we dig in and persevere in forming a relationship with Jesus, in believing in His Truth, in His way, in His Love … we move further away from everything else that is thrown our way and deeper into freedom. Our eyes become opened and our spiritual senses more keenly fine-tuned to recognise the deception all around us. We come to know the power residing within us, the Holy Spirit, we come to see more clearly and as Tom often says it’s the Truth we KNOW that sets us free … we often hear these verses taught here from John 8:31-32 Jesus says “If you abide in my word, you are truly my disciples, and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” So to get to KNOW the Truth we need to abide (to live) in the teachings of Jesus, in relationship with Him - and the Truth in Him lived out in us sets us free.
It doesn’t mean we don’t have to deal with life’s pains, sorrows, illnesses, griefs … trials that seem to be endless. It means we get to live in FREEDOM within them, we get to be refreshed moment by moment in living water, we get to find and know true, unconditional, merciful, Grace filled Love every breath that we take. We find acceptance and belonging, a peace that comes from being known deep, deeper than we will ever know our own selves, and living free in THAT knowledge, THAT identity of being HIS and as we continue in HIS Love we find safety, security, confidence, trust … we find life in abundance true life … beyond circumstances that surround us, beyond emotions that crush in, beyond illnesses that bind our bodies, beyond cruelty that leave scars cut deep … we find that HIS Love IS better than life … because without it we are not living at all. We are surviving, scrambling around trying to find water to drink, reaching out to anyone and anything to relieve the pain of being shut in our own jails … finding nothing of substance, nothing that lasts, nothing that satisfies … nothing like the Love of Jesus … because He IS life. In John 14:6 Jesus speaks to Thomas saying … “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.”
Even in the world we live in today the model of thinking about our overall health and wellbeing in general includes to love ourselves and heal from within before we can love others well. If we love ourselves by human standards of love, we are doing OURSELVES an injustice, if we never discover the purity of God’s Love for us, we can never love ourselves or others as He does … because it is HIS love that flows in us and through us to ourselves and to others … and there we find rest. Jesus left us with a new commandment that encapsulates all others given before it … “to love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul and with all your mind. And to love your neighbour as you love yourself.”
When I used to read that in my early defiance I’d come to God and say “but I don’t love myself so that’s that”. Maturity at its finest!! God in His mercy knows us so well and there’s a reason why we are told to love Him first and then our neighbour. If we love the Lord our God with ALL of ourselves … we come to know the fullness of Him and in turn the fullness of His Love not just for us but IN us … so to love God cannot be separate to loving ourselves, they are as one - He in us. It is God in us, changing us from the inside, not by anything we can do of ourselves. Only by giving our all to Him can He then work in us. It’s voluntary … not forced, He asks us to invite Him in not to control us but change us for OUR good. As He is at work IN us … we change, we find forgiveness that enables us to forgive, we find mercy that enables us to be merciful, we find grace that enables us to be gracious and extend His grace to others, we find security, safety, stability, joy and peace beyond our understanding and so much more … we find life and life abundant!
I have spent many long dark years clinging to Jesus as my only source of life but only truly following Him this past 11 years. Those years seemed full of loneliness, pain and confusion - years of untold trauma, unseen pain, unknown misunderstandings within misdiagnosis’s. Distructive untrue labels, words spoken over me that produced death in me and not life. I don’t know why I went through that for so long, it caused pain not only in me but in those who love me … I had many many unanswered questions … until I didn’t even need the answers to them anymore. I don’t need the answers to those questions because Jesus is the only answer I need. I KNOW that it’s only because of Jesus I stand before you today, I KNOW it’s only because of Jesus I have life, I KNOW It’s only because of Jesus and Him alone I live and breathe, I KNOW it’s only because of Jesus I found Living Water that sustains me, I KNOW it’s only because of Jesus I found freedom, I KNOW it’s only because of Jesus my chains are gone, I KNOW it’s only because of Jesus I am Loved fully, purely, confidently with no condemnation. I KNOW the Truth because Jesus IS Truth and it is in HIM I am set free. I can assure you that in my flesh I would be as far away from the front as possible let alone be speaking in front of you … but God IN ME. When we come to Him, allow Him to change us, work in us, hear His voice and follow Him ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE.
At a particularly difficult period I clung to that verse in Philippians 4:13. “I can do all things through him who strengthens me”. Even getting out of bed seemed insurmountable and I knew I couldn’t do it in my own strength. I would say out loud “I can do ALL things through Christ” and His power would well up within me and gave me strength to literally put one foot in front of the other. I KNOW His Love IS better than life … without Him I’d have no life at all and many other lives would be destroyed in the process. At that time my loving husband Tom had only recently come to know the Lord but when he turned to Jesus he KNEW his life was changed forever and he never wanted to turn back! He carved Philippians 4:13 into wood for me and it now stands over the door which we use the most to come in and out of our home. It stands as a reminder that we don’t live here as a family in our own strength, but God’s. It stands as a monument of His goodness and faithfulness. It stands as an anthem that we take through each moment of our days. It proclaims words of life over us and in us. It counteracts all of our own weaknesses and failings that we give to Him and allow Him to turn them around in us and through us. This home is messy (and I don’t just mean all the stuff lying about in it!!), it’s messy because we are human and we make mistakes as we navigate our lives and relationships in a messy world, it’s messy because although God is at work in us we are not yet perfected, it’s messy … but it’s covered by the blood of the Lamb … Christ is the Head of our home, He is our strength, He is our purpose, He gives us life … and life abundantly because from Him Living Waters flow continually in us and around us.
So as we all spend our days looking to Him moment by moment, in our pain, in our griefs, in our difficult circumstances, our struggles, our relationships, in our questions and in our doubts but also in our joys and our victories … we will find ALL we need to live life in freedom and continual satisfaction in Him, for Him, with Him … breath by breath becoming more aware of WHO He is, who WE are and the abundance of life in His Love and there we can sing along with David … “my lips will praise you (Lord) … I will bless you as long as I live; in your name I will lift up my hands … because your steadfast Love is better than life” …