One of my favourite hymns at this time of year is “Oh Holy Night” and this line alone stands out for me … “A thrill of hope the weary world rejoices”. This morning we are going to look at this a little further and how it is relevant to us in our lives.
In Philippians 4:4 Paul writes … “Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, rejoice.”
Paul really had something to say here, he made a point of saying it twice. There are many scriptures that encourage us to rejoice, but it is never an empty command that has no direction. Rejoice IN THE LORD!
Why is the world weary? How can a weary world rejoice?
In the garden of Eden God walked with Adam and Eve in the cool of the evening, there was togetherness, a oneness, deep relationship, full communion … and it was good!
Fruit from the tree of knowledge of good and evil was the only thing that was forbidden.
A seed of doubt was planted in Eve’s mind by the serpent one day. Doubt of the goodness of God. And even though she experienced and lived in ALL THAT IS GOOD … that seed was enough for her to doubt God’s goodness and caused her to believe He was keeping something from her that was good for her … and she wanted it. She wanted more.
Our human hearts are deceitful, and we see here it really takes very little for it to be swayed from the truth that God has planted in us … one lie, one temptation, one doubt … became one action that changed the world. One bite of fruit. Eve then continued what the serpent had started. One lie to Adam, one temptation put to him, one doubt planted in his mind, one choice he had to make … became one action that separated man from God. One bite of fruit.
We were not designed to be separated from God, we were created for oneness with Him. What was forbidden by God was something that He knew would harm us, He knew that thatknowledge would be too much for our humanness to bear. The tree existed in the garden because HE was there and He doesn’t hide Himself from us. But mankind had a choice … live in freedom and contentment in the oneness of God and trust that His knowledge was too great for us to contend with … or step into what was forbidden, forbidden for our own protection, and live in the consequences that comes with knowledge that we don’t possess the capacity to fully understand or to handle...
The world became weary from that moment. Separation from God makes us weary. Sin and destruction make us weary. Our souls ache for oneness with Him alone … so we wander wearily in a world that is weary trying to find something to fill that void.
We can often confuse our circumstances with God’s goodness. The griefs too hard to bear, the pain suffered so deeply, disease, disability, dysfunction, poverty, depravity, control, power, greed … the list goes on and on … the world is weary but God is always good. God never changes. The world changed from what He had designed it to be - but He had a plan to fill the void that separation had brought and to bring us back to oneness with Him. He gave us Jesus.
John 1:14 & 16-18 tells us …
14 And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we have seen his glory, glory as of the only Son from the Father, full of grace and truth.
16 For from his fullness we have all received, grace upon grace. 17 For the law was given through Moses; grace and truth came through Jesus Christ. 18 No one has ever seen God; the only God, who is at the Father's side, he has made him known.
I’m going to read that again from the Amplified Version …
14 And the Word (Christ) became flesh, and lived among us; and we [actually] saw His glory, glory as belongs to the [One and] only begotten Son of the Father, [the Son who is truly unique, the only One of His kind, who is] full of grace and truth (absolutely free of deception).
16 For out of His fullness [the superabundance of His grace and truth] we have all received grace upon grace [spiritual blessing upon spiritual blessing, favor upon favor, and gift heaped upon gift]. 17 For the Law was given through Moses, but grace [the unearned, undeserved favor of God] and truth came through Jesus Christ.18 No one has seen God [His essence, His divine nature] at any time; the [One and] only begotten God [that is, the unique Son] who is in the intimate presence of the Father, He has explained Him [and interpreted and revealed the awesome wonder of the Father].
When Jesus was given to us as a gift He not only gave Himself freely as a sacrifice for ALL mankind forever and ever so we could be in oneness once more with the Father … He REVEALED to us WHO His Father is and who we are now THROUGH Christ … and it IS good! We not only were given eternal life through Jesus … we were given all that we need to live in the cruel realities of this world in peace and with hope deep within.
If we look at the Christmas story, we can easily see that circumstances were far from ideal for those He called to greatness. Just in the lives of Mary and Joseph we see this clearly.
Mary a humble, godly girl betrothed to be married to a good, steady, tradesman who loved her dearly. A contract that was never to be broken. Joseph a hardworking young man, with a skilled trade, his wife chosen and promised to him - and a future with her that he looked forward to as he waited for their wedding day when they would become together as one.
In Luke 1:26 we are told that the Angel Gabriel was sent from God to Mary with a grand announcement. An announcement that didn’t come in line with all this devoted couple had planned or envisioned. An announcement that changed the course of their lives forever. An announcement that spoke of promises being fulfilled for all of mankind. An announcement that was impossible yet made possible. An announcement that made Mary ask “how?” but not “why?”. An announcement that revealed her heart for God. A calling on Mary’s life that was great indeed but came with much danger and uncertainty … yet her response showed her deep trust in God and His goodness … “Behold, I am the servant of the Lord; let it be to me according to YOUR word.”
Mary became pregnant and although she is betrothed is not yet married … so to be with child was an offence that was worthy of public out casting, indeed it was possible she could have been stoned to death. Joseph knows he is not the father, he loves Mary but there can be no future for them with a child that is not his … But God. An angel comes to Joseph in a dream with a message that confirms that what Mary is saying is true. The calling on Joseph’s life was of greatness – not in the world’s view, but in the Kingdom of God. To protect Mary and stand by her, to marry her but wait until her son was born before they became one in marriage.
The child they will call Immanuel “God with us” …
Joseph’s response was one of trust and obedience. He woke and did what was asked of him. He didn’t ask God why was He making his life so much more complicated … he trusted, obeyed and knew the depths of God’s goodness as he stepped into what he had been called to knowing that God would provide all He needed to fulfill what had been asked of Him. He rested in God’s goodness despite the circumstances.
Mary’s song of praise recorded in Luke 1 begins … “My soul magnifies the Lord, and my spirit rejoices in God my Saviour” she goes on to praise God in all He has done and will do for generation after generation. She knew the honour that had been bestowed upon her was great, she was humbled and privileged and blessed. No matter what happened she knew her God, she knew His goodness and she rested in that, rejoicing and glorifying His name.
Life became much more complicated than they probably ever imagined ... circumstances of long painful journey’s, of rejection after rejection in their home town, of great poverty, of fleeing with no belongings, of threat to life, of ridicule, of letting go and trusting fully in a good God who had called them for greatness in His Kingdom … and they stepped in.
Not because of their own ability, or knowledge, or wealth, or standing in society, or what theydeemed was appropriate service to God … but because they knew God could do ALL things and they were willing to say yes to whatever it was He asked of them. They knew God is a good God and no matter what the world saw as sufferings that came upon them … they knew they were chosen for greatness, they were loved, they were humbled, they had the peace of God that was magnified in their soul, they were blessed and they rejoiced.
Our circumstances in this world is not a measure of our worth, they are not a reflection of how much God does or does not love us, they are a symptom of living in a weary world that is broken. And yet through Jesus we are redeemed. Those who believe in Jesus still suffer because we are still living in a weary world but we are called to greatness in God’s Kingdom lived out here … and we are blessed! Those who take time to nurture their relationship with God and come to know Him more and more will come to know He is good ALL the time … He does not hide Himself from us but He won’t force His way in either. He gives us a choice to come to know Him and there He reveals Himself to us, deeper and deeper until we have a surety in God’s character which is all good … and there we find peace in Him and rejoice in ALL circumstances!
Mary suffered the grief no mother should ever have to bear when years later her beloved son suffered a cruel horrific death. Her heart shattered, battered and broken … she witnessed the heart of her Saviour as He provided for her needs in every way. While He was dying His thoughts were of her as Jesus asked John to take his mother as his own …
While He was dying Jesus’ thoughts were of you and of me. While He was dying He submitted to what was the only way we could be brought back to Oneness with His Father … He sacrificed His Oneness for ours as He allowed death to take hold … the victory over OUR death was won.
The world is weary with sin and destruction, yet we have cause to rejoice!! Once we come to know God, we come to know He is Good ALWAYS and we come to know God in all of His glory. When we step in to the call on our lives and trust in His Goodness, we come to know His great Love for us. When we step into relationship deeper and deeper we see His heart for us. When we focus on Jesus and not the circumstances surrounding us we step into peace within. This is not denying our pain, nor is it hiding that we are living through difficult circumstances. We have been given a community in one another to come around us and lift us up, to encourage us and speak truth over us.
Finding peace in Jesus and rejoicing in Him does not look like a smile planted on our faces Sunday morning pretending life is all good … it is living in a world that is weary and all that comes with that, being real about that but knowing GOD is all good and because He is good then so are we IN Him!! When our souls find rest in the peace of Jesus Himself we find our hope, our joy, Love eternal … and we cannot help BUT to rejoice in Him!
A thrill of hope … our hope is not empty. Our Hope is IN Jesus who we KNOW IS PEACE. Our hope has substance. Our hope is deep, it is a hope that changes us from the inside as we step into life with Jesus … our hope is living and breathing IN us. It is not a “feeling” that is manufactured BY US … but comes from a solid foundation Who is our Rock and our Redeemer. When we experience the peace that comes from knowing the Prince of Peace, trusting HIM in all circumstances, thanking HIM in all circumstances for Who HE is … our souls can do nothing BUT to rejoice in Him!
The weary world rejoices … and in rejoicing from a place of peace in Jesus He reveals His Goodness through us to others … not because of us, but because of Him IN us … His light shines in the darkness, His Love poured in is poured out. No longer separated from God - we rejoice, no longer alone in our sorrow - we rejoice, no longer searching and seeking our identity and purpose but knowing WHOSE we are - we rejoice. Peace comes from knowingJesus, from falling in love with Jesus, from pursuing relationship with Jesus … and from there ALL things flow.
Interestingly Mary’s last recorded words in the Bible are these. “Do whatever He tells you” … We need to be close to Jesus to hear His voice, we need to know our Saviour to discern His words in us, we need to believe that all He says is good even when the way seems scary. When we do whatever God tells us to do our circumstances may get better, they may not change or indeed they may get worse. That isn’t why God tells us to do something and it shouldn’t be our motivation to obey.
He asks us to step into His Goodness DESPITE what is going on in our lives - or in those we love - because His Goodness is NOT dependent on circumstances. His Goodness is never changing and it is where our focus needs to be. God’s goodness is WHO He is. He IS GOODNESS, He is PEACE, He is HOPE, He is LIGHT, He is LOVE … and when His Light shines in the darkness NOTHING shall overcome it … His Light brings us peace within and Oneness with Him once more … so that no matter what we are going through, no matter where He has asked us to tread - we are living in perfect peace with Hope that is real, Joy that is in the Lord, and in unconditional Love that is abundant and eternal … and we REJOICE!
Turn your eyes upon Jesus
Look FULL in His wonderful face
And the things on earth WILL grow strangely dim
In the light of His glory and grace
Rejoice IN the Lord ALWAYS, and again I say REJOICE!