In recent weeks we have been looking recently at the parable of the sower, the one who sows seeds in different types of ground. Anyone who is familiar with farming will know that unless you sow good seed in good soil at the right time you won’t have a harvest when you need it. However, before any seed is sown, the ground must be prepared. Take a framer sowing potatoes. First, he must break up the hard ground and plough ridges, or drills as they are known, where he will plant the seeds. He then spreads fertiliser on the drills before sowing the seed potatoes in the soil. This is done in April when the soil is at the right temperature. The farmer expects a crop to be produced and harvested in October, each seed planted in the ground yielding up to twenty potatoes.
There are many tasks he must perform in the six months between sowing and reaping, but he never doubts that he will have a crop. He wouldn’t dream of going out the week after he sowed his seed and dig it up expecting a crop. Instead, he waits patiently for the expected time of harvest.
In the parable of the sower, which Jesus used to teach about the kingdom, he said.
Mar 4 26_27 ESV And he said, “The kingdom of God is as if a man should scatter seed on the ground. (27) He sleeps and rises night and day, and the seed sprouts and grows; he knows not how.
The farmer goes about his daily business, and in the course of time, the seed sprouts and grows, and he does not know how.
Mar 4 28 ESV The earth produces by itself, first the blade, then the ear, then the full grain in the ear.
This is how it happens. The earth produces the fruit of the seed planted, and it does it by itself. In the case of the grain, it produces first the blade, then the ear and then the full grain in the ear. In the case of the potatoe, the first thing to appear is the stalk above the ground, then the leaves and flowers on the stalk, and after that the potatoe grows under the soil. The earth produces of itself.
In the original language, the term ‘of itself’ means self-moved or spontaneous. It’s from this word that we get our English word ‘automatic’ . When given the right conditions and time, the earth automatically brings forth fruit from the planted seed. It’s the same with the seed of the kingdom of God. However, there has to be an interaction between the seed (God’s Word) and our hearts ( the soil) to get the desired harvest.
We know that as followers of Christ we are to attend to his teachings, we are to allow his word to renew our minds and transform our lives. God’s Word itself promises that this is what it is designed to do, whether we understand what it says or not. We plant it in our heart, we sleep and rise night and day, and the seed sprouts and grows; we know not how.
If the kingdom of God is to be compared to the sower sowing the seed, then we must understand that even though we know not how the seed springs forth, we must be satisfied that the soil of our hearts, that has been made good by the Holy Spirit, of itself brings forth fruit from the seed planted. And the good news is, you don’t have to understand it to see fruit of it in your life.
When Jesus explained the parable of the sower to his disciples, he said if they didn’t understand this parable, then they couldn’t possibly understand any of his parables. To understand this parable, we must understand how planting the seed of God’s Word in our hearts really works. Yes, we read God’s Word because He said to. We read it to gain information, to gain knowledge. Then there are those like me who read it and spend time studying it so we can teach it.
Today I want to talk about reading the word of God for the purpose of meditation, that is the sowing of the seed of the Word of God in our hearts so it can sprout and bring forth fruit. As Jesus lives in our hearts by his Spirit, he has taken our hearts of stone and transformed them into hearts of flesh. He is the farmer who has ploughed the fallow ground and turned it into good soil.
Mar 4 20 ESV But those that were sown on the good soil are the ones who hear the word and accept it and bear fruit, thirtyfold and sixtyfold and a hundredfold.”
When we sow God’s Word into this good soil, it produces fruit, some thirty, some sixty and some one hundred-fold. The quality of the fruit will always be perfect, the only thing that will differ is the quantity. Just like the soil that produces of itself from the seeds sown, so our hearts will produce of themselves, automatically, the fruit of the seed of God’s Word.
In the natural, seed planted in the earth draws out of the ground the potential that is already there. When you plant a potatoe seed, a potatoe comes out of the ground. When you plant an acorn, an oak tree comes out of the ground. The acorn has the miracle in it that activates the earth and draws from the soil the nutrients needed to produce this huge oak tree. The oak tree is already in the earth in nutrient form, and the acorn just calls forth all the elements of oak tree in the ground. When a seed is sown in good soil, the earth already has all the nutrients needed to produce after the kind of seed planted?
In the first boak of the Bible we see this taking place when God calls from the earth all that He had already placed there.
Gen 1 24 ESV And God said, “Let the earth bring forth living creatures according to their kinds—livestock and creeping things and beasts of the earth according to their kinds.” And it was so.
God had already created the heavens and the earth, and he formed the animals from what he had already placed in the ground. He called them forth from the earth. The same thing happened with the body of Adam.
Gen 2 7 ESV then the LORD God formed the man of dust from the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living creature.
Everything that was ever needed to produce all the animals and even the body of Adam was already in the ground. Furthermore, God would never have to create another living being from the earth, because, when he called both man and animal from the earth, he placed in them the seed of reproduction.
The sower sows the Word. Every man, every dog, every cat, every elephant, and every living thing was already in the earth. Everything that God needed for every living thing imaginable was already placed in the earth by God. The raw material was already there, and all God had to do to bring them out of the ground was to release the miracle-working power of the seed of His word.
Gen 1 24a “Let the earth bring forth living creatures according to their kinds—
God planted the seed of his Word, and the earth itself produced what the Lord commanded it to produce. I think that’s amazing.
Our hearts are the ground, and in our hearts, God has placed everything needed to produce what we need for life and Godliness. All that’s missing is the seed of God’s Word to activate what God has already placed in this good soil.
2Pe 1 3_4 ESV His divine power has granted to us all things that pertain to life and godliness, through the knowledge of him who called us to his own glory and excellence, (4) by which he has granted to us his precious and very great promises, so that through them you may become partakers of the divine nature, having escaped from the corruption that is in the world because of sinful desire.
To those who know God and are known by Him, he has already granted all things needed for this life and to life a godly life. He has granted to us all things we need in seed form in his precious and very great promises. All he asks is that we find those seeds and plant them the soil he has prepared, and we will reap a harvest. As we reap this harvest through sowing his Word in our hearts, through this very Word we can become partakers of his divine nature, having escaped the corruption that’s in the world because of sinful desire.
If this is the case, you might ask, why am I not seeing fruit, why am I not seeing this harvest, why am I in need? If you are not reaping a harvest for the seeds sown there may be any number of reasons, but it cannot be the seed of God’s Word because it never fails to produce, and it cannot be the soil, because God has already placed everything that is needed for a crop in the soil of your heart.
However, it can be that you have sown, but you have allowed weeds to grow in the good soil, and as the soil is good it will produce a crop after the kind of seed you sow, good or bad.
For example, a believer discovers that he needs a financial miracle. His mortgage is due, but because of other unexpected expenses he has not been able to budget for it. He reads the scripture, “And my God will supply all your needs according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus.”, so he claims this expecting a miracle of provision, but sadly this doesn’t happen, so he wonders what went wrong.
He sowed the seed of the Word in faith, but it turns out that he didn’t properly attend to the seed and his crop failed. If a farmer who sows seed in the ground, fails to take care of it, weeds will grow up and choke the crop and it will fail to produce. It’s the same with the man who sowed the seed of God’s word in his heart believing for a financial miracle. As the day went by, he began to worry and get anxious. He began to have thoughts of the bank repossessing his house. What was he going to do, would he end up on the street? He was allowing seeds of doubt and unbelief to be planted in the good soil of his heart, and this soil will produce according to the seed planted. When we sow the seed of God’s Word in our heart, we must not allow seeds of doubt and unbelief to be planted alongside it, or the bad seed will choke to fruit of the good seed.
Jas 1 6_7 ESV But let him ask in faith, with no doubting, for the one who doubts is like a wave of the sea that is driven and tossed by the wind. (7) For that person must not suppose that he will receive anything from the Lord;
We must leave the seed there in our heart so our heart can produce of itself. Seeds of doubt and unbelief will come, so we must meditate on the seed of God’s Word. If the man in need had meditated on that scripture, read it over and over, memorised it, thought about it, prayed about it, he wouldn’t have lost faith in its potential to produce, and he would have received his miracle. Instead, the weeds of doubt choked the fruit of provision. All things are possible if you believe, whether good or bad.
Jesus said that the kingdom of God was like the man who scattered the seed on the ground, went about his daily business, and then one day the seed sprouts and grows, and he knows not how.
Find the seed for your need, plant it in your heart, water it with prayer and don’t lose faith and it will grow. You heart has in it all the elements you will ever need for life and godliness, all that’s missing is the seed of the Word of God, his precious and very great promises. When you combine the two, believing that your heart will bring forth of itself all that you need for life and godliness, you will have what you ask for. Watch out for the weeds of doubt and unbelief for they will choke the seed and destroy your harvest
The Sower, God Himself, sows the word, your heart is the soil that he has prepared. Meditate on the seed that God has given you, think about it, whenever doubt comes in, go back to it again and read it, meditate on it, and allow it to take root. As you do, believe that you have received, and you will see it. Believe, for with faith all things will be possible.