In Mark’s Gospel chapter four, Jesus again began to teach by the seaside where a great crowd had gathered. He taught them many things by parable, and its here he teaches the parable of the Sower.
Mar 4 3_8 MKJV Listen! Behold, a sower went out to sow. (4) And as he sowed, it happened that indeed some fell by the wayside, and the fowls of the air came and ate it up. (5) And another fell on stony ground, where it did not have much earth. And it sprang up at once, due to not having deepness of earth.
(6) And when the sun rose, it was scorched. And because it had no root, it withered away. (7) And another fell among the thorns, and the thorns grew up and choked it, and it yielded no fruit. (8) And another fell on good ground and yielded fruit, going up and increasing. And one bore thirty, and one sixty, and one a hundredfold.
The sower spread seed everywhere, and this seed is interpreted by Jesus as the Word of God.
Mar 4 14 MKJV The sower sows the Word.
Jesus wasn’t giving a lesson on farming or teaching how seeds grow. He was using an illustration from nature, something that his listeners would understand, to show how the kingdom of God works.
Mar 4 26 MKJV And He said, So is the kingdom of God, as if a man should cast seed into the ground;
Everything in the natural realm begins as a seed and grows from that seed. God’s kingdom is the same, everything in His kingdom comes from a seed, that seed is the Word of God. Its only when we take the seed of God’s Word, those promises that give us faith to receive miracles and blessings, and plant them in the soil of our hearts, that we will see the fruit of those seeds – miracles and blessings. We must take God’s Word by faith, not doubting, because it is our faith in the Word of God that waters the seed and causes the fruit to grow.
Two weeks ago, I taught from the Word of God on healing, and how to take the Word of God and apply it to our lives when we are sick. Its only when we really believe God for healing that we will see it come to pass. Our faith, our belief, causes the seed to grow. When the farmer sows the seed, he knows that it will grow if it is planted in good soil. After he sows it, there are two very important things he must do; one, he must ensure that it is watered and fertilised, and secondly, he must ensure that weeds do not grow up and choke the Word.
When we sow the seed of God’s Word in our heart, the good soil, we must ensure that it is watered and fertilised by faith and prayer, and we must ensure that weeds do not come in and choke the seed. Weeds are doubt or unbelief.
Jas 1 6_8 MKJV But let him ask in faith, doubting nothing. For he who doubts is like a wave of the sea, driven by the wind and tossed. (7) For do not let that man think that he shall receive anything from the Lord; (8) he is a double-minded man, not dependable in all his ways.
Doubt and unbelief are the weeds that choke the seed of God’s word and causes it to be unfruitful. The parable of the sower speaks of four different types of ground that the seed falls on, producing four very different results.
The four different types of soil can be four different types of people, and I have preached on this a couple of years ago. However, the four types of soil can apply to one person at four different stages in their lives, and this is what I want to speak on tonight. We can willingly apply God’s word to one area of our lives, and but refuse or resist applying it to another area. For example, you may be willing and open to God’s call to gather together with the church to worship but closed to his call to give to him what is rightfully his in regard to your finances. We must strive to be good soil in every area of our lives, and not just the areas we find easy.
The first soil the seed of God’s word finds itself in is the soil by the wayside. This seed had no chance because the birds swooped down and ate it up. Jesus explains what this means in terms of the seed of God’s Word in verse fifteen.
Seeds sown by the wayside
Mar 4 15 MKJV And these are those by the wayside, where the Word is sown. And when they hear, Satan comes immediately and takes away the Word that was sown in their hearts.
When they hear, Satan comes immediately and takes away the Word that was sown in their hearts. This is explained more fully in the parallel passage in Matthew’s gospel.
Mat 13 19 MKJV When anyone hears the Word of the kingdom and does not understand it, then the wicked one comes and catches away that which was sown in his heart. This is the seed sown by the wayside.
When anyone hears the Word of the kingdom and does not understand it. This is why it is important not just to read the Word of God, but to ask God to give you understanding, to study it until you do understand it, otherwise Satan can come and steal it away.
Seeds sown in stony places
Mar 4 16_17 MKJV And these are those likewise being sown on stony places; who, when they hear the Word, immediately receive it with gladness. (17) But they have no root in themselves, but are temporary. Afterward when affliction or persecution arises for the Word's sake, they are immediately offended.
Stony places refer to hard places, and in spiritual terms refers to hardness of heart towards the Word of God. The person with the stony heart hears the Word of God and receivers it immediately with gladness. The problem is that there is no place in the heart for the seed of God’s Word to take root, and the planted seed is only temporary, that is the person believes for a short period of time, but when he doesn’t see fruit immediately, they walk away. When trouble of persecution comes because of the Word, they are immediately offended.
This is the kind of person who may go on with God for a season, but when God doesn’t answer prayers as he thinks he ought, he then becomes offended and walks away from God. The Word has not found a place in his hard heart, and he hasn’t allowed the Word to soften his heart. We are all born with a soft skin and a hard heart, and we must allow God to soften our heart and harden our skin, if not then we will continue to be stony-hearted Christians who are easily offended.
Seeds in thorny places.
Mar 4 18_19 MKJV And these are those being sown among thorns; such as hear the Word, (19) and the cares of this world, and the deceit of riches, and the lust about other things entering in, choke the Word, and it becomes unfruitful.
Thorny ground hearts refers to the ones who hear the Word, but their focus is on worldly things, and not on Godly things. The deceit of riches and the lust for material things chokes the seed of God’s word and no fruit is produced. Thorny ground hearers are more interested in amassing material things, in the pleasures of life, and in gratifying their carnal nature than they are in watering and fertilising the seed of God’s Word by faith and prayer.
They hear the word, they read it, they listen as it is being preached, but as their focus is on other things, the seed is chocked and does not bear fruit in their lives. This person hears what Christ has to say, but they fail to live by what they hear. If you’re a stony ground hearer, then you are a hearer but not a doer, and Jesus describes such a person as being deceived.
Jas 1 22 MKJV But become doers of the Word, and not hearers only, deceiving your own selves.
The one who hears but does not do, is deceiving himself, on the other hand, the one who hears and does, this one is blessed in his doing.
Seeds in good ground
Mar 4 20 MKJV And these are those sown on good ground, who hear the Word and welcome it, and bear fruit, one thirty, one sixty, and one a hundredfold.
Finally, Jesus explains what the good ground, the good soil produces. Good ground hearers are those who hear the word, welcome it, and bear fruit, one thirty, one sixty, one a hundredfold. This ground is not by the wayside, its not stony, nor is it thorny, it is good soil. Good soil refers to a soft and tender heart. a heart stirred by things of eternity and not things of this world. This is the heart that Jesus speaks of in Matthew chapter six.
Mat 6 19_21 MKJV Do not lay up treasures on earth for yourselves, where moth and rust corrupt, and where thieves break through and steal. (20) But lay up treasures in Heaven for yourselves, where neither moth nor rust corrupt, and where thieves do not break through nor steal. (21) For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.
The heart set on things eternal, is the good soil. When your heart is set on things of the kingdom, you are laying up for yourself treasures in heaven, treasures that are not corrupted and destroyed, where no thief can break in and steal. Luke says this of the good soil heart.
Luk 8 15 MKJV But those on the good ground are the ones who, in an honest and good heart, having heard the Word, keep it and bring forth fruit with patience.
When the Word falls in good soil, in an honest and good heart, that’s the person who hears the Word, and keeps it with patience. The result is that the Word brings forth fruit. In contrast to all the other hearts, "Good soil" hearts are those who follow Jesus no matter what the cost.
When sickness comes, good soil hearts bury themselves in scriptures that speak of healing, they believe that God sent His Word and healed them and delivered them from all destruction. They believe that Jesus took all our sicknesses on his body and by his wounds we are healed. They believe that they will prosper and be in health as their souls prosper. They continue to believe the scriptures through their sickness, they keep the word of God patiently until they see it bring forth fruit, until perfect health is restored.
When hard times come, good soil hearts believe that when they make God their first priority, seeking him and his kingdom and its righteousness above all else, everything they need will be given to them, and they have no need to worry about tomorrow. They believe this in spite of what they may see with their eyes.
When others let them down, good soil hearts run to Jesus, and they believe that God will never leave them nor forsake them. They believe that God has a plan to work out their situation for the good no matter what is going on. They know He will do this because of His love poured into their hearts, and because He has called them according to His purpose.
How do you plant the seed of God’s Word in your good soil heart? You don’t just read it one time and that’s it. You have to meditate on the Word of God until it releases its power, germinates, and begins to release its life. I can guarantee you that if you take a scripture that is promising you some result from God’s Word, and you meditate on it until it begins to release its life in your life, you’ll be able to say what that scripture says.
Your body tells you that you are sick, God’s Word tells you that you are healed. When you meditate on scripture you are allowing God’s Word to bear the fruit of healing in your body. The truth of God’s Word will set you free from the lies of your symptoms. As you meditate on God’s Word, declaring that by His wounds you are healed, then soon your body will also be speaking the truth of God’s Word as healing is manifest in your life. This doesn’t just apply to healing, but to all areas of your life. God has given us all things that concern life and godliness in his precious and very great promises, so that in them we may be partakers of his divine nature, having escaped the corruption that is in the world though sinful desire.
Be a good soil heart, and don’t just be a hearer, be a doer, bearing much fruit with patience.